Our On-page SEO Approach

Sculpting Your Digital Landscape

In the digital realm’s ever-shifting sands, on-page SEO stands as the sculptor’s tools, meticulously shaping your website’s visibility and performance. Our craft is guided by proven, data-driven strategies, each stroke aimed at elevating your site’s stature in the search engine galleries. This narrative sketches our team’s dedication to refining every pixel and code snippet of your website with precision and creativity.

On-page SEO Decoded

Crafting a Masterpiece

On-page SEO is the canvas on which your website’s success is painted. It’s an intricate blend of content finesse, structural integrity, and HTML nuance, all harmonized to make your site resonate with search engines and users alike. Our palette extends beyond keywords, embracing a holistic approach to brush up your site’s meta descriptions and titles, and weaving a seamless user experience across all digital touchpoints.

Conducting a Comprehensive SEO Audit

The Preliminary Sketch

Our artistic journey commences with a detailed SEO and Technical Audit, uncovering the layers that need refinement. This exploratory phase illuminates areas for improvement, from the subtle shades of meta tags to the broad strokes of keyword placement, setting the stage for a customized strategy that reflects your site’s unique essence.

Tailored On-page SEO Analysis

Refining the Composition

With insights from the audit, we delve into a meticulous analysis of your site’s architecture and narrative. Examining URL structures, internal link patterns, and content quality, we discover opportunities to enrich your site’s SEO performance. This phase is akin to understanding the soul of your website, devising a strategy that aligns with your brand’s vision and ambitions.

Our On-Page SEO Checklist

A Palette for Perfection

To achieve thorough optimization, we employ a detailed On-Page SEO checklist, ensuring no detail is overlooked:

  • Strategic Keyword Brushstrokes: We blend relevant keywords into your content, headings, and meta tags, enhancing readability and visibility in the search engine canvas.
  • Content Sculpting: Our focus is on crafting content that captivates and retains your audience, enriching their experience and encouraging prolonged engagement.
  • Meta Tags Refinement: Essential for the search engine’s gaze and user interaction, we meticulously craft your meta titles and descriptions to capture the essence of each page.
  • Technical Enhancements: Addressing the backbone of your site, we fine-tune technical aspects to improve load times, ensure responsiveness, and rectify errors, enhancing the overall performance.
  • Architectural Elegance: We refine your site’s architecture for intuitive navigation, ensuring both users and search engines can effortlessly explore your digital landscape.

To access professional on-page SEO services, you should opt for our comprehensive SEO Simply package. Utilizing on-page SEO tools is the initial step toward enhancing and promoting your website.

Choose SEO Plan Suits You Best
Save 10%
Errors in Meta Tags Title, Description, H1
Checking Text Optimization
Spam in Texts and Meta Tags
Pages with thin Content
Similar Pages
Closed from Indexing in Robots
Noindex, Nofollow, Rel=canonical
Landing pages in the Sitemap
Internal Linking
Errors in Sitemap
Errors in Robots
HTML Errors
Errors 403, 404, 500, 503, 504
Pages with broken links
Correctness of the Domain
Duplicate Pages
JavaScript file loading Errors
CSS file loading Errors
Lost Images
Missing image Alt text
Missing image Title attribute
Validation Errors
Google PageSpeed Insights
Multiple Redirects
Inaccessible Pages
Extraneous Tags in Titles
Pages with rel="canonical"
On the page optimization of meta tags Title, Description, H1 taking into account the recommendations of Google, HubSpot and MOZ
Correcting errors and improving the site
Automatic keyword ranking checks
(in dynamics when subscribing for 6 months).
Competitive analysis is used to discover and study the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and expand the list of search queries.
A backlink audit is a analysis of the links that point to your site. Reviewing backlinks, you’ll identify harmful links and find opportunities for future link building.
Publishing high-quality external links from articles, blog posts, and forums.
Registering the site in online directories for local SEO.
Monthly written progress report.
Each type of task can be expanded to address all requirements for enhancing websites, optimizing performance, and promoting links.
Total Costs for 6 Month
For Small
Up to 200 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 200 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 4 Pages Optimised per month.
The number of pages can be increased.
Providing technical specifications to the customer's developer.
2 hours of specialist work per month
Up to 50 keywords.
The number of keywords can be increased.
Available with restrictions
Up to 2 Competitors
Get at least 10 high quality backlinks from websites related to your niche.
We offer promotion of up to 5 specific keywords and the potential to significantly improve your site's search engine rankings.
Technical and SEO Audits.
SEO Optimisation Report.
Link Building Report.
Keyword ranking checks in dynamics.
Not available
Optimizing more pages.
Promoting additional keywords.
Building more external links.
Performing extra error correction work
Effective for
Up to 1'000 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 1'000 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 6 Pages Optimised per month.
The number of pages can be increased.
Providing technical specifications to the customer's developer.
4 hours of specialist work per month
Up to 200 keywords.
The number of keywords can be increased.
Available with restrictions
Up to 5 Competitors
Get at least 20 high quality backlinks from websites related to your niche.
We offer promotion of up to 10 specific keywords and the potential to significantly improve your site's search engine rankings.
Technical and SEO Audits.
SEO Optimisation Report.
Link Building Report.
Keyword ranking checks in dynamics.
Optimizing more pages.
Promoting additional keywords.
Building more external links.
Performing extra error correction work
Great for National
Up to 50'000 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 50'000 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 20 Pages Optimised per month.
The number of pages can be increased.
Providing technical specifications to the customer's developer.
8 hours of specialist work per month
Up to 1000 keywords.
The number of keywords can be increased.
Available with restrictions
Up to 20 Competitors
Get at least 80 high quality backlinks from websites related to your niche.
We offer promotion of up to 40 specific keywords and the potential to significantly improve your site's search engine rankings.
Technical and SEO Audits.
SEO Optimisation Report.
Link Building Report.
Keyword ranking checks in dynamics.
Optimizing more pages.
Promoting additional keywords.
Building more external links.
Performing extra error correction work

Why is 6 months recommended?

Some examples of results that have been achieved in 6 months:

  • more trafic
    3 times
    more trafic
  • sales in E-commerce
    sales in E-commerce
  • return on Spend
    return on Spend

Erecting Timeless Monuments in the Digital Realm

Why Embark on This Journey with Us?

Choosing our On-page SEO services is akin to selecting a master artist for your digital gallery. We’re not just about improving rankings; our ambition is to magnify your online presence, making your site not only seen but felt and remembered. Our transparent process, clear communication, and commitment to measurable results are the cornerstones of our partnership.

Constructing a Digital Legacy

Our dedication to On-page SEO is about more than immediate gains; it’s about laying the foundation for your website’s enduring legacy. Through meticulous analysis, strategic implementation, and continuous refinement, we navigate the complexities of digital marketing. Let us transform your website into a beacon of growth and engagement, a masterpiece that stands the test of time in the digital age.

Do you want more Traffic and Customers?

Your Masterpiece Awaits: Let's Begin Crafting Your Digital Success Story

Free SEO Analysis for Your Website

Our free analysis provides insights into your website's current state and offers actionable steps for improvement.

You will receive the analysis via email shortly. No obligation.


    Unveiling the Art of On-page SEO

    The strategic optimization of web pages, enhancing both search engine ranking and organic traffic through content and HTML refinement.
    It's the cornerstone of search engine visibility, ensuring optimized pages achieve higher rankings and become more accessible to your audience.
    While On-page SEO focuses on the elements within your site, Off-page SEO extends your digital influence through external efforts like backlinking, both essential for a comprehensive SEO strategy.