Precision-Driven Technical and SEO Audit

Optimizing Your Digital Strategy

Illuminating the Path to Digital Excellence

In the complex ecosystem of digital marketing, identifying the smallest discrepancies can significantly enhance your website’s visibility and performance. Our Technical and SEO Audit services are designed to meticulously uncover every issue that may impede your digital success. This detailed overview provides a roadmap for understanding the landscape of your website, pinpointing areas for improvement without immediate rectification within the audit phase.

Technical Audit: Diagnosing for Digital Health

The bedrock of your website’s performance lies in its technical robustness. Our Technical Audit systematically identifies critical issues, laying the groundwork for future enhancements:

  • HTTP Error Identification: We rigorously catalog HTTP errors such as 403, 404, 500, 503, and 504, pinpointing accessibility issues for users and search engines.
  • Link and Resource Verification: Our audit reveals pages with broken links and lost resources (images, JS, CSS), identifying connectivity and resource integrity issues.
  • Code and Structure Analysis: We detail HTML errors and validation issues, alongside evaluating the impact of multiple redirects and inaccessible pages on user experience.
  • Metadata and Content Evaluation: Extraneous title tags, misuse of rel=”canonical”, and domain correctness are documented to outline areas affecting search engine comprehension and page relevance.
  • Duplication and Indexing Review: Duplicate page content and indexing directives in Sitemap and Robots.txt files are meticulously identified, ensuring content uniqueness and proper search engine crawling.

SEO Audit: Strategizing for Visibility

Beyond technical infrastructure, our SEO Audit hones in on optimizing your content’s harmony with search engines and user expectations:

  • META Tag Scrutiny: Errors in Title, Description, and H1 tags are cataloged, with a focus on optimizing for both user engagement and search relevance.
  • Content Optimization Review: We document instances of text optimization issues, including duplicates and spam, ensuring content integrity.
  • Indexing Strategy Assessment: An evaluation of indexing directives (noindex, nofollow, rel=canonical) is conducted to identify potential visibility barriers.
  • Sitemap Inclusion Analysis: The presence and correctness of landing pages within the sitemap are detailed, ensuring essential content is recognized by search engines.

Comprehensive Reporting and Future Planning

Upon completing the audits, we compile a detailed report describing each identified error and issue, accompanied by a Technical Specification for rectification and a comprehensive list of errors. This document serves as a strategic blueprint for either your in-house development team or our specialists to systematically address and resolve the identified issues.

To request a Technical and SEO Site Audit, please complete the Form.

Alternatively, select any SEO PLAN – all options come with a comprehensive Site Audit.

Choose SEO Plan Suits You Best
Save 10%
Errors in Meta Tags Title, Description, H1
Checking Text Optimization
Spam in Texts and Meta Tags
Pages with thin Content
Similar Pages
Closed from Indexing in Robots
Noindex, Nofollow, Rel=canonical
Landing pages in the Sitemap
Internal Linking
Errors in Sitemap
Errors in Robots
HTML Errors
Errors 403, 404, 500, 503, 504
Pages with broken links
Correctness of the Domain
Duplicate Pages
JavaScript file loading Errors
CSS file loading Errors
Lost Images
Missing image Alt text
Missing image Title attribute
Validation Errors
Google PageSpeed Insights
Multiple Redirects
Inaccessible Pages
Extraneous Tags in Titles
Pages with rel="canonical"
On the page optimization of meta tags Title, Description, H1 taking into account the recommendations of Google, HubSpot and MOZ
Correcting errors and improving the site
Automatic keyword ranking checks
(in dynamics when subscribing for 6 months).
Competitive analysis is used to discover and study the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and expand the list of search queries.
A backlink audit is a analysis of the links that point to your site. Reviewing backlinks, you’ll identify harmful links and find opportunities for future link building.
Publishing high-quality external links from articles, blog posts, and forums.
Registering the site in online directories for local SEO.
Monthly written progress report.
Each type of task can be expanded to address all requirements for enhancing websites, optimizing performance, and promoting links.
Total Costs for 6 Month
For Small
Up to 200 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 200 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 4 Pages Optimised per month.
The number of pages can be increased.
Providing technical specifications to the customer's developer.
2 hours of specialist work per month
Up to 50 keywords.
The number of keywords can be increased.
Available with restrictions
Up to 2 Competitors
Get at least 10 high quality backlinks from websites related to your niche.
We offer promotion of up to 5 specific keywords and the potential to significantly improve your site's search engine rankings.
Technical and SEO Audits.
SEO Optimisation Report.
Link Building Report.
Keyword ranking checks in dynamics.
Not available
Optimizing more pages.
Promoting additional keywords.
Building more external links.
Performing extra error correction work
Effective for
Up to 1'000 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 1'000 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 6 Pages Optimised per month.
The number of pages can be increased.
Providing technical specifications to the customer's developer.
4 hours of specialist work per month
Up to 200 keywords.
The number of keywords can be increased.
Available with restrictions
Up to 5 Competitors
Get at least 20 high quality backlinks from websites related to your niche.
We offer promotion of up to 10 specific keywords and the potential to significantly improve your site's search engine rankings.
Technical and SEO Audits.
SEO Optimisation Report.
Link Building Report.
Keyword ranking checks in dynamics.
Optimizing more pages.
Promoting additional keywords.
Building more external links.
Performing extra error correction work
Great for National
Up to 50'000 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 50'000 pages for analysis.
The number of pages can be increased.
Up to 20 Pages Optimised per month.
The number of pages can be increased.
Providing technical specifications to the customer's developer.
8 hours of specialist work per month
Up to 1000 keywords.
The number of keywords can be increased.
Available with restrictions
Up to 20 Competitors
Get at least 80 high quality backlinks from websites related to your niche.
We offer promotion of up to 40 specific keywords and the potential to significantly improve your site's search engine rankings.
Technical and SEO Audits.
SEO Optimisation Report.
Link Building Report.
Keyword ranking checks in dynamics.
Optimizing more pages.
Promoting additional keywords.
Building more external links.
Performing extra error correction work

Why is 6 months recommended?

Some examples of results that have been achieved in 6 months:

  • more trafic
    3 times
    more trafic
  • sales in E-commerce
    sales in E-commerce
  • return on Spend
    return on Spend

Empowering Your Website with In-Depth Insights

Why Our Audit Services?

Opting for our Technical and SEO Audit services equips you with a thorough understanding of your website’s current state, detailed in a comprehensive report and actionable Technical Specification. We highlight the path to enhancing your site’s performance and search engine presence, setting the stage for impactful improvements.

A Blueprint for Digital Success

Our commitment to conducting exhaustive Technical and SEO Audits is the first step toward unlocking your website’s potential. By detailing every technical nuance and SEO opportunity, we provide the insights needed to elevate your digital presence.

Do you want more Traffic and Customers?

Embark on a journey of discovery and strategic enhancement with our expert audit services. Together, we can transform insights into action, propelling your website to new heights of digital achievement.

Free SEO Analysis for Your Website

Our free analysis provides insights into your website's current state and offers actionable steps for improvement.

You will receive the analysis via email shortly. No obligation.


    Mastering Your Website’s Audit Process

    A Technical Audit evaluates your website's infrastructure to identify technical issues that hinder performance or search engine crawling. It checks for server errors, broken links, code validity, and ensures that all technical elements like sitemaps and robots.txt are optimized for accessibility and efficiency.
    An SEO Audit analyzes your website’s adherence to search engine optimization best practices. It reviews keyword effectiveness, META tags, content uniqueness, and indexing settings to identify improvements that can boost search visibility and user engagement.
    They are essential for identifying hidden issues that could be hampering your site's performance and search engine ranking, setting a foundation for improvement.
    Using the detailed report and Technical Specification, your team or our specialists can strategically address and rectify the identified issues, enhancing your site's overall health and visibility.